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Motorcycle Adventures-Europe-N.Africa
Amazing motorcycle ride through the Tunisian Sahara desert

Motorcycle Adventure Tours on Dirt (or gravel) Roads

The best motorcycle adventure rides in Europe & North Africa


» Home » Motorcycle adventure tours » Motorcycle trips on Dirt Roads in Europe and North Africa

self-guided motorbike adventure tours in Europe & North Africa with Roadbook available

6 motorcycle trips:

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Amazing motorcycle ride through the Tunisian Sahara desert

2148 km

Amazing motorcycle ride through the Tunisian Sahara desert

Dirt Roads

A riding tour in the Tunisian Sahara desert on some challenging gravel roads from Gafsa through the Jebel National Park ... »

Highlights: Sahara, Gafsa, Pista Rommel, Tamerza fall, Camel Neck, Canyon of Star Wars, Chott el Djerid, Jebel National Park, Campement Zmela Labrissa, Tataouine, Bourguiba Mosque, El Jem Amphitheater

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